уторак, 23. септембар 2014.

I wrote i love story. Hope you like it !!    

Promise Ring                                                                                    It all started one winter’s night in my hometown. My best friend was celebrating birthday and asked me to sing in her honor a few songs. As I approached to the coffee shop the cold December wind roared in mu ears. I covered cheeks with  blue scarf which my mother’s gave me last year. I heard the squeal of tires and carefully turned  face to spot  a black car that was stopped in front of the restaurant  .

After a few toasts and blowing spark plugs I climbed on the stage and danced merrily with the microphone. At one point the bar owner asked me to sing something for a special guest who is for the first time in our small town. It was his business partner Matteo from Lisbon. I learned that  was the owner of the ship that carries important groceries for our country.   I started unsteadily to sing songs i heard long time ago  on the radio “Portuguese Love.”
Shaggy deep eyes were seized up on me and I felt my heart beat the ritam of  tropical drums. From his eyes  the ocean waves swam and I flew freely like never before. Gently I moved to his desk and handed  fingers in the direction of his beard.   He rose applauded hands enthusiastically and expressed respect for my singing.   He said it  heard that song hundred times, but it’s the first time  felt its meaning.
There was something about midnight when we exchanged affection and the conversation did not even notice how time passes hurriedly. I was only 17 years old, short blond hair kind worn at the time, a thin black blouse and jeans with a glow. He was a gentleman in his 35′s . He wore a casual  but very expensive shirt had a dark brown slightly curly hair and brown eyes. Kept solid and resolute attitude but the the view from his warm eyes  warmed me stronger than none coat….
We talked about a million things , some of it looked like everyday stupid storyline but we  received meaning of words in special ,mystical way. He described his distant Portugal, explained some of the details of  company . Then I found out how much he earned and effort invested in ship that was a dream fulfilled from childhood of which he had dreamed when he was a poor boy.
He was twelve years old when he swore that will  help his father and gave him the promise that earned money will not be spent on foolishness . When he was eighteen years  first earnings  donated to build a church in his grandmother’s village . I ‘ve talked to him some anecdotes from the school , described him traditions and beliefs of my people , carefully he took in to my  world .  I told him about a dream I had last week about how I chased deer through forest  and I wanted to hug him immensely but he too quickly disappeared from my sightlines .
Matteo stoode for a while and as he look somewhere into the distance and said something I did not understand. I remember the shrill voice that says ” Veados virá tiver confiança se 
em você , você está be espera pacientemente .”
He  took mu hand and said  ” have faith ” then smiled .
I wished my best friend  most beautiful wishes and  in Mateo’s insistence entered the car to escort me to the house.   On the way out I was in for a surprise .
He stopped in front of me and said, ” Never in my life have I been so fascinated , I’m married and have a daughter I can not pretend to , but if you come with me to Lisbon would provide you an apartment and you ‘ve nothing to be lacking , would come when  the time allows , the only thing I asked for that love  remain a secret forever . ”
Raised my eyes high to the truth I’d catch in his voice , and when I realized the presence of his feelings , responded firmly that I do not want to be a source of pain to his child because I knew it would truth came to the surface and that would be a meltdown of his marriage . Before I opened the door of the house a passionate kiss landed on my ice  winter mouths  . I could not wait for daybreak and woke friend for coffee and to confide in her , she told me I was a fool and that i needed to get out of this hole and enjoy it with him and that many men have affairs .  But I was resolved in a decision that do not dare to cause an accident and a little girl whose picture showed me leave without her father’s love.
December day  spent hours as his car disappeared into the d pine forests of our village.  Could not discern whether it was tears or glass flakes leaving their mark on my cheeks, my captain went away to his sunny fragrant Spices scented Portugal.   Life had written a book and I’ was  already a woman of thirty, but very in love with the same flame in heart for life , finishing the duties on Sundays sipping coffee with my best friend with smile and memories.
Sometimes when the day asleep, listening to enchanting melodies of the Mediterranean.  December is slowly entered our village, I went to  the church to light a candle for precious grand dad. On the passage between the park and church I saw the famous determined attitude and a shadow of a man who became my lost dream. It was Matteo, my dearest ,beloved Matteo .  A scarf around his neck as is not used to the harsh climate in my country. On the chin I noticed his grizzled hair.
The whole world shook me as carousel in my head and I flew towards his outstretched hands.   I’m no longer a little girl, I had the unfortunate experience of marriage behind me, and he was older but it was not made him looking wrong but only make his   appearance  look wise and full of experience. He told me while  his voice was stiffening  that his wife died a sudden illness.   Also he confessed me that was never erased from the mind  a fragile little voice of me .
Matteo said  that his daughter enrolled in the study, and that she hopes to meet me and hear me sing next year.  We sat in the park in front of the church because I no longer had the strength to stand, the excitement felt in kneeling legs. I closed my eyes as he asked,  and when I opened them in my neck was flickering  small pendant deer.  Church bells rang in the December night as we cuddled  and planned next morning. My captain is back to stay forever …

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